With many of us still working from home, it is important to continue taking care of our mental health. There are many reasons why we might be feeling more stressed lately:
Lack of Structure
Feeling a lack of boundaries on when you need to start working and stop! , when you need to get up and go to sleep, when to log off of social media. This feeling, however, can gradually turn into a feeling of being out of control for many who don’t expect it. Later bedtimes can slip into less healthy sleep schedules. And social media can drain hours of productivity when we know there’s little risk of others coming into our workspace and demanding to know why we’re still on Facebook or Twitter.
Too Many Distractions
Many people forget that those who work at home, still need to work. This means that people can call at all hours of the day and may not understand that, “I’m sorry, I need to work right now,” is as valid as, “Sorry, I’ll call you when I’m off work,” when they know that you set your own hours.
Difficulty Setting Boundaries
Setting boundaries and creating a structure in your relationships and schedule and ensuring that you don’t blur the lines between productivity and leisure time, between socialising time and working time, becomes vital when you work from home. This, however, can be more challenging than many people expect. When you work from home so you can take care of your children during the day or in the afternoons, it can be even more challenging as you may feel pulled between competing loyalties and overwhelmed by the responsibilities of your various roles.
Social Isolation
Those who work at home may find that solitude can be a double edge sword. It is, easier to focus when you’re in your own home with no co-workers coming by your desk to chat at random times. But while this solitude can feel blissful at times, when we have no one for social interaction during the workday, when we don’t automatically run across people outside of those we live with, we can become lonely before we realise it.
Lack of Focus
While many people who work from home are self-employed, it can be paradoxically difficult to remain true to your personal goals when you have so many distractions and energy drains. Maintaining a focus on the future is vital if you have goals for changes you want to make, but staying motivated when you are juggling many roles can be a challenge in itself.
Stress Associated with Mobile Phones
There is an added stress from frequent use of mobile phones appeared to be a significant source of added stress. Part of the reason is that those who use mobile phones late at night, as those who work from home may be more prone to do, can harm their sleep schedule.
Fortunately, there are many things you can do and you are not alone in experiencing stress from working at home.
Here are our 8 tips for managing stress whilst working from home:
- Set a ScheduleWhile it is wonderfully freeing to set your own schedule, it’s very important that you do set a schedule rather than working when you find the time.
- Create a Support Network and Stay ConnectedWhen you feel isolated, it can be difficult to have as much energy to be productive. If you work from home and feel a bit too alone, you can create your own supportive network of colleagues who are in the same situation as you.
- Reward yourself to keep your motivation up, it is vital to create your own personal rewards. it is up to you to make your work experience pleasant, and for you to keep yourself feeling appreciated.
- Protect Your Sleep, and Don’t Use Mobile Phones Late at NightUsing screens late at night can alter your sleep patterns and make it difficult to get to sleep. It can also make you more wakeful during the night. Because healthy sleep is vital for your productivity, do what you need to do to protect your sleep.
- Keep Active – Regular exercise It can make you feel happier. Exercise has been shown to improve your mood and decrease your stress levels.
- Listen to a PodcastSometimes all you need is a dosage of reassurance or guidance to relax, and a great way to do so is by listening to a podcast.
- Be productive While we are in lockdown, some, if not most of us, feel as though we’re not productive. To help you overcome that feeling, write down three small goals and tick them off every day.
- Remember to laugh Every time you laugh; you are improving two areas; body and mind. It provides distraction, improves your mood, reduces stress hormones, Increases endorphins.
Although stress isn’t a medical diagnosis, it can cause medical health problems. The above tips should help anyone who is currently feeling under stress or pressure, in this time it is vital to take care of our mental health.